by MSG Team | Jul 16, 2010 | crowd, Jason's Articles, Sell | 0 Comments
As a bidder what you do has meaning behind it. You don’t reveal your intentions publically. So other people can (try to) interpret your intentions by observing how you behave. Signaling is a term that describes how a bidder, (or auctioneer) reveals their...
by MSG Team | Jul 13, 2010 | Jason's Articles, pricing, Sell | 0 Comments
What is an auction? One way to look at it is as a “Price Discovery Game”. Nobody knows what the final price will be, and together you’re all committing to participate in the process to find out. The more information that is revealed to bidders, the stronger their bids...
by MSG Team | Jul 11, 2010 | Jason's Articles, Partner Resources, Sell | 0 Comments
Here are some important actions you should take to draw as many people into the crowd as possible: 1. Find the right time. Usually Sunday evening is considered the best Ebay traffic time. But some categories are different, you’ve got to test things to see what’s best...
by MSG Team | Jul 11, 2010 | crowd, Jason's Articles, Sell | 2 Comments
There are six participants in any competitive auction: 1. Ebay: (how could we forget them?). They’ve made a lot of the rules, right?! They are always there at everyone auction. Break rules and they’ll become an active part of the drama. 2. You: (the auctioneer)....
by MSG Team | Jul 11, 2010 | Jason's Articles, Partner Resources, Sell | 0 Comments
the larger the crowd of honestly interested potential bidders, the more bid action you’ll see and the higher final bid price you’ll achieve. Why is this always true? The single most important reason to have a crowd is going to sound like a cliché, but it’s not....
by MSG Team | Jul 11, 2010 | Jason's Articles, pricing, Sell | 0 Comments
People will pay what other people paid Re-read that sentence slowly and let me unpack it. People (the newly arriving crowd) will pay…what people (the happily leaving crowd) paid. If the newly arriving people enter the scene and they see, (and believe), that the...
by MSG Team | Jul 11, 2010 | Jason's Articles, Partner Resources, Sell | 0 Comments
Physically touching an item is the single most important component of buying according to shopping expert Paco Underhill. (author of “Why We Buy”). When marketing goods online, your pictures and written descriptions become a proxy for the physical act of...
by MSG Team | Jul 10, 2010 | Cinnamon's Updates, Make, Sewing Skills | 9 Comments
Let’s talk about quality sewing skills. Let’s face it, just like most people are average, most hand-made Ebay and Etsy items are average. That’s just a fact. But what makes something average versus awesome? Is your work less impressive than others? If so,...
by MSG Team | Jul 10, 2010 | Jason's Articles, Sell, writing | 0 Comments
I consider Ebay to have 2 types of shoppers/bidders. (I realize this is a simplification of the situation, but generally, it’s true). They are: Bargain Hunters and Treasure Hunter. Bargain Hunters: People looking for a: Familiar commodity that they need or want....
by MSG Team | Jul 10, 2010 | Jason's Articles, reputation, Sell | 0 Comments
As an Ebay seller, your credibility matters tremendously, if you’re going to get prices higher than the average auctioneer. If you want to get a ’fair market price’ for the digital camera you are listing, fine, just depend on your Ebay seller rating, and the wisdom of...