Hi everyone,
In this video I give you a walk-through of my “Pricing Nerd, Yes I Am” Pinboard.
Be sure to visit my collection – it includes some fantastic resources including:
- 22 Pricing Strategies That Work
- Etsy: How to calculate your expenses
- The Science Of Pricing Infographic
- How To Price Homemade Crafts
- Psychological Pricing Explained
- Price Elasticity explained video
- Differentiating through Pricing video
- How to handle price objections
- Great pricing advice from the King Of Copy
- The “Right Price” article
- The complete guide to freemium business models
- Charlie Munger on Pricing Power
- Warren Buffett on Pricing Power
- Introduction to Pricing lecture notes, (University of Delaware)
- Cheaper Prices Don’t Help You Build Goodwill article
- 3 Pricing mistakes article
- Seth Godin – The 2 Reasons You’re Not Getting What You’re worth
- The 9 Laws of Price Sensitivity and Consumer Psychology
- Malcolm Gladwell on Grey Poupon Pricing (video)
- Hal Varian (Google Guru) on Competition (video)
- The art and science of pricing article
If you need help with pricing strategies – be sure to visit the pinboard at: http://www.pinterest.com/jasonmiles/pricing-nerd-yes-i-am/