Hi everyone,

In this week’s video I talk about overcoming your first year-worst year – and share strategies for making next year your best year. Tell me what you think – was your first year your worst year?

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7 Comments on First Year Worst Year? Next Year Best Year!

  1. My first year with my online business was definitely my worst year. I was making pillows and trying to sell them on Etsy. I couldn’t sell many at the price point I was asking (for a living wage) and had to lower prices and start selling other things.

    That was a few years ago and now my sales are much better. Partnering with Pixie Faire and adding doll clothes and doll patterns to my repertoire has really helped my business grow. I feel like I’m learning so much and with each passing month, my business gets better and better.

    Jason, thank you for all the tips, especially the one recently about rituals and then again about modeling what other people are doing. One of my favorite people that I follow on both Instagram and Facebook, sends out a weekly newsletter on Wednesday. She always includes both helpful information about something she is good at (in this case aromatherapy or spiritual awareness). She also does classes and has videos that she clearly does using power point. I can totally see modeling my business on her format. Not sure where to start. i’m a little stumped on what to include each week in my newsletter and coming up with content.

    I have two major parts to my business and I really want them to work together. Its tricky and there is only me right now, so not a lot of time.

    ok well that’s alot.
    Thanks again for everything!

  2. Thanks for sharing your perspective and journey Jennifer! Great points. I’m excited about what you’re doing …

    Huge fans,

    Jason (& Cinnamon)

  3. Thanks for the great video this week. It’s packed full of info I want to be able to refer back to in the coming weeks. In order to do that, it would be helpful to have this in written format. Videos are an excellent way to learn but I’m one of those old-fashioned folks who likes to have a hard copy to refer back to as needed.

    Just my humble little input …


    • Thanks Linda,

      I really appreciate that – I think moving forward I can start having these transcribed – which would be the best of both worlds! I’ll work on that!


  4. Having no prior experience I had nothing with which to compare. I can’t say my first year was my worst. What I can say is that I am learning and improving all the time, and with God’s help and in His will my business will prosper as I prosper. Keep learning.

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