Hi friends,

Hey, quick update – Amazon is featuring my bestselling book Pinterest Power for just $1.99 in the ebook format today. I believe it’s just a 1-day sales, so if you’re interested – act fast.

I was just doing some quick math – If there are 15 tips per chapter (that’s sort of a guess on my part) and there are 19 chapters – then that’s something like …

285 Pinterest marketing tips – for just $1.99!

That’s just .70 cents a tip! What a bargain!

Screen Shot 2014-05-28 at 6.02.53 PM


I’m sure lots of you have already gotten the book, so you can ignore this, but tons more haven’t. So now is a great opportunity!

I hope you snag a copy today!


2 Comments on 285 Pinterest Marketing Tips For Just $1.99

  1. When was this posted? I hit the shortcut and the Amazon listing was for $11.99. Was this a typo or did I miss a really good sale???

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